Have questions about our process? Wondering why you need video in your business? Overwhelmed about what kind of video you need or finding the right company to work with? We answer those questions and more below.

Make video part of your complete marketing strategy.

You know you have to market your business to get noticed, build a customer base, and improve sales. But did you know that of the many forms of marketing out there, one of the most effective is promotional videos? Promotional videos offer the following advantages:

  • More and more people watch videos on YouTube, social media, and other platforms every single day.
  • Adding a video to a product description or service can significantly increase that product’s sales.
  • People who view a video and like what they see will often share it with their network of friends and family.
  • Promotional videos are an excellent way to inform and educate your client base about what your brand does and why it matters.
  • Using video, you can convey a large amount of information in a short period of time.

Now that you understand the reasons you should be using more promotional videos in your marketing efforts, make sure you choose a production team that knows how to create professional, engaging promotional videos and how to do it well. At Christi Lowe Productions, we are that team. We know what angle to take, which information to include, how to edit, and how to position your promotional videos for the best effect on your audience and profits.

We work with companies of all sizes here in Fayetteville, North Carolina and beyond, and we are eager to make exceptional promotional videos for your company that generate results. To get started or to schedule your initial consultation, get in touch with us at Christ Lowe Productions now.

At Christi Lowe Productions, we produce promotional videos for clients in North Carolina, including (but not limited to) Fayetteville, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Research Triangle Park, Charlotte, and Wilmington.

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There is no limit to what our team can do. Let us help you get noticed and stand out from your competition.