Have questions about our process? Wondering why you need video in your business? Overwhelmed about what kind of video you need or finding the right company to work with? We answer those questions and more below.

It’s time to make your business stand out.

Companies that use video marketing grow their revenues 49% faster than those that don’t. Use video to take your marketing and business to the next level by forming a partnership with a video production company known for its expertise and experience – Christi Lowe Productions.

Emmy Award-winning journalist Christi Lowe and her team run our video production company in Fayetteville, North Carolina and have worked on video creation projects all over the world. Experts in every aspect of the video-creation process, we do everything from creating stories that perfectly reflect any business, to using state-of-the-art technology in post-production to complete integrated editing and marketing initiatives.

Here is a brief introduction to our video production company’s three core offerings:

  1. Marketing—We create logo animations, social media videos, branding videos, promotional videos, and whiteboard videos. Our purpose is to display your brand/product/organization in the best light to generate awareness and boost revenue.
  2. Real estate—Do you need a real estate video or property walkthrough? What about before-and-after photos? No matter what you need, we can create promotional material for your real estate business.
  3. Aerial—We are an FAA-licensed professional aerial drone photography and videography provider. We capture stunning shots safely, reliably, and legally for many different purposes.

There is no limit to what our team can do! Find out how our video production company can make your company stand out – contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.

At Christi Lowe Productions, our video production company serves clients in North Carolina, including (but not limited to) Fayetteville, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Research Triangle Park, Charlotte, and Wilmington.

Schedule Your FREE One-on-One Strategy Session

There is no limit to what our team can do. Let us help you get noticed and stand out from your competition.